Perodua 9-month sales up 10%

Rawang, 17 Oct: Perodua sales for the first 9 months of the year increased 10% to 139,400 vehicles compared with 127,200 units in the same period last year due to healthy sales of the New Myvi and an increase in demand for the Alza.

On a quarter-to-quarter basis, Perodua sold 46,500 vehicles, down 3% from 47,700 units in the same period as the tighter guidelines on Responsible Lending impacted the sales of the Viva models during the period.

“We believe that there is still an upside for our sales in the fourth quarter as the demand for our vehicles is still healthy with bookings recorded in 3Q12 reaching 61,800 units against a registration of 46,500 units in the same period,” Perodua Managing Director Datuk Aminar Rashid Salleh said.

He added that baring no unforeseen circumstances, and based on the number of bookings Perodua received so far; the national carmaker is cautiously positive in achieving its 188,000 sales target by year end.

“Based on the forecasted total industry volume by the Malaysian Automotive Association of 615,000, we expect to maintain our 30% market share by year end,” Aminar said.

On a month-on-month comparison, Perodua sold 13,900 vehicles in September from 13,200 vehicles in the same month last year as the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations shorten the number of working days in September 2011.

“Moving forward, Perodua will aggressively engage in traditional marketing campaigns and will introduce new packages specifically targeted to key demographics in order to further enhance sales,” Aminar said.

“One such campaign is the recently launched “What’s Up, Graduates!” campaign specifically designed to attract those who recently graduated and undergraduates to purchase our vehicles,” he added.

On exports, Perodua exports jumped 53% to some 7,800 units for the first 9 months of the year from some 5,000 units in the same period last year.

“Indonesia, which Perodua export under the Daihatsu brand is our biggest export market with 4,600 units sold, representing nearly 59% of our total exports,” Aminar said.

On after sales, Perodua saw 1.34 million vehicles patron its service centres nationwide for the first 9 months of the year; up 5% from 1.27 million in the same period last year.

“This means that 53% of the total number of Perodua vehicles still in operation has returned to our service centres for their motoring needs.”

“We will strive to further improve our service levels – in both sales and after sales – in order to give our customers the best motoring experience because here at Perodua You Matter Most!” Aminar said.


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